Friday, October 15, 2010

Parachute Activities

This week in Physical Education, students had the opportunity to use the colorful parachute. The parachute is a great tool used to enhance children's social skills, personal behavior, perceptual and physical skills, and basic motor skills. It also helps kids develop balance, coordination, flexibility and muscle tone. It has been such a great way to promote cooperative group play. Some things that we did with the parachute were:
1. Choreographed routines to music
2. Domes
3. Climbed up the mountain
4. Shake the parachute at different levels
5. Pulled the parachute back to create resistance
6. Sit-Ups using the parachute
7. Switch places with another person under the parachute
8. Tossed beanies, balls up in the air
9. Make a mushroom with the parachute and let it float in the air

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